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10 Reasons Your Brand Needs To Be On Instagram

10 Reasons Your Brand Needs To Be On Instagram

People love images. In fact, it’s become a very popular form of social media in the last few years. What if you could harness the power of photos to get people to see your brand? Well, you can. Just get on Instagram! If I can’t convince you, maybe these 10...
Is Your Business Broken?

Is Your Business Broken?

Seth Godin, a marketer and author known for his books Tribes and Linchpin, did a TED talk in 2010 offering up the question, why are so many things “broken”?   In this humorous presentation, he mentions signs with poor lettering, messages that don’t make sense, and...
Want to be Found on the Internet? Use Google Plus.

Want to be Found on the Internet? Use Google Plus.

Getting your business to rank high on the google listings is a big goal for most businesses, and why wouldn’t it be? Hubspot Blogs found that 75% percent of users never click links past the first page, so getting up there is pretty important. But how do you do that?...

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